March 12, 2025 | News, Press releases

Tampere, Arezzo, Marktredwitz – March 12, 2025

Forciot, a technology growth company, today announced that Chimet SpA, a leader in precious metal recovery and refining based in Arezzo, has joined Forciot as a new investor. The two companies will closely collaborate on advanced sensor and heater ink development, materials essential for Forciot’s sensor and heater solutions. These solutions are integrated as an example into vehicle steering wheels for Hands-On Detection (HOD) and heating functionality, as well as into seating applications.

Forciot’s product is a unique stretchable electronics and algorithm solution that can be utilized as a touch sensor and heater system- within, for example, car interiors. The Forciot® solution also accurately measures and reports force, weight, balance, and pressure.

“This investment” comments Luca Benvenuti, CEO of Chimet, “represents a combination of financial, commercial, productive, technological and strategic opportunities. These are essential to strengthen our position in certain fast-growing markets and will also diversify our core business of refining and recovering precious metals, by moving towards rapidly- expanding technological markets such as automotive”.

In addition to the investment collaboration with Chimet SpA, Forciot is also announcing a significant development collaboration with SCHERDEL related to the advanced automotive seating solutions. SCHERDEL is setting the standard for providing market-leading automotive products to ensure comfortable traveling and dynamic driving experience.

“Introducing new material engineering product solutions to markets needs strong team engagement. Having worked with the Forciot team we are convinced that the Forciot team can do it in close collaboration with the SCHERDEL team. The company combines excellent competences and pioneering technology. In collaboration we see a great opportunity to build together winning seating products to markets targeting mass-volumes in the coming years with key concepts and customers,” said Thomas Regnet, General Manager, Business and Product Development, SCHERDEL.

All companies look forward to sharing further details on the collaboration scopes and content soon.

“In Forciot we are thrilled to have such great new Strategic Partners joining our path forward, Chimet SpA as a new investor and strategic material partner and SCHERDEL as a strategic development partner in automotive seating products area. Development with both companies proceed already full speed ahead and the three companies, Forciot, Chimet SpA and SCHERDEL are complementing each other in a great and unique way in building towards the joint target on introducing spearheading products to the markets in large volumes,” said Tytti Julkunen, Chairman of the Board and CBO, Forciot Oy

For press inquiries please contact:
Tytti Julkunen, Forciot Chairman of the Board & CBO
Tel: + 358 504 877 357



Forciot is a Finnish technology growth company that designs connected stretchable electronics solution utilizing stretchable electronics and advanced algorithms. The stretchable electronics solution can be tailored to different form factors and sizes, which means FORCIOT® technology can be seamlessly integrated into any surface to measure touch, weight, force, pressure, balance and as the newest element, also heating, in the same solution.


Chimet is a leading company at international level in the recovery and refining of precious metals. The outstanding quality and deep knowledge of paste technology allowed Chimet to become one of the global leaders in the silvers for automotive glass and to be part of the ongoing changes of the printed electronics (PE). The Thick Film Division is especially focused on the design and the manufacturing of high-quality functional printing inks for electronic applications.


For over 130 years, SCHERDEL has been setting standards in the processing of metallic wire and strip as a medium-sized, owner-managed family business, in line with our principle of ‘progress based on tradition’. Today, the group comprises 35 locations worldwide, covering a wide range of activities from forming technology, assembly and joining technology to surface technology and mechanical, tool and plant engineering.

More than 7500 employees play a decisive role in SCHERDEL success. SCHERDEL supports customers as partners in the development of new, innovative products, from the initial briefing to the manufacturing stage. The results are premium products that are now not only found in the automotive sector, but also in other growing markets, such as medical technology, electrical engineering and energy technology.