MWC2018 – F4FN event – Summarizing some of the global FORCIOT-media coverage from the great event!
FORCIOT team had a lot of interesting meetings and discussion at the 4YFN2018 event at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in February 2018. FORCIOT-stand was visited by interested B2B customers, technology enthusiastics, investors but also by several reporters and media representatives. Some passed by and noticed FORCIOT’s demo products and some saw the FORCIOT presentation at the discovery state and wanted to hear more. Below listed few examples of the media coverage and stories that were published after the event. In many, FORCIOT was notified to be as one of the most promising start-ups out of over 600 companies that were present in this year’s event:
- TICbeat: Great story in latest TICbeat economical publication about MWC18 and 4YFN event. FORCIOT is highlighted as one of the most promising (over 600) start-ups that participated the event this year!
- ITespresso article highlighting the best of 4YFN-MWC2018 – Forciot in the list! “Another solution that caught the attention of many attendees was Forciot, a Finnish startup that has created an elastic band capable of mediating strength, pressure and balance.”
- Ozibits – featured on Best of 4YFN video – FORCIOT introduced in the video at 4:06min:
- RoomOne: Digging for gold at Mobile World Congress 2018 – What innovation still lurks in the corners of the conference halls? Reporters view of what can be done with the Forciot® stretchable electronics sensorsheet innovation:
- Seocoaching: Featured FORCIOT in the article highlights the importance of the online marketing for start-ups
- Daimler’s global media site: FORCIOT can be found from the Daimler’s global media site MWC2018 coverage – images.
- CAR-it article about the MWC18 & 4YFN. The publication mentions that three start-ups (FORCIOT being one of them), were evaluated as part of the 4YFN by Daimler’s Technology Insight team headed by René Ackel-Zackour and Clemens Hubmann. “Who knows, maybe the young companies will soon be on board at Daimler.”
- Turbo magazine: FORCIOT introduced in Turbo magazines article: “Some of the applications and solutions we can expect in a Mercedes in 2022.“